When I was little, my mom rented a movie for me. It seemed harmless enough. I was all excited and watched it by myself in her bedroom. The movie was ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN. I watched the whole thing, amazingly. I was a little bothered when the dog got killed and went to heaven. I was kind of upset when the dog stole his "life clock" and added more life to it so he could go back to Earth. That just seemed wrong to me. But at the end, he ended up going back to heaven for good, and I just started crying harder than I can even remember.
I don't remember exactly what upset me so much; maybe it was the movie as a whole. I didn't like that the character was murdered. I didn't like the dishonest stuff he did. (I felt like he was cheating God). I didn't like that he went to Heaven in the end.
I just bawled and bawled and I can remember crying and yelling at my mom "WHY DID YOU RENT THIS??? WHY???"
I never saw any of the sequels. I refused to watch the show. It wasn't that it scared me; it just made me incredibly sad. I was a very sensitive little kid. I have not seen that movie since and I still do not want to! I've never even particularly liked DON BLUTH films in general since then.
Movies about dogs: YES!
Movies about dogs dying: NO!
(I'm glad I've never seen OLD YELLER).
That is my worst trauma, mainly because I can't think of anything else that ever caused me to scream and cry like that.
DON BLUTH owes me big time.