Hello everyone, what movie features a death by a stuffed toy snake in a car or pick-up truck? I'm pretty sure it was late 80's or early 90's. It's beyond cool that Kindertrauma.com exists, you guys are the best.
Doug P

your happy childhood ends here!
Hi there! For years I've been trying to find a fire safety film I watched in elementary school back in 2003. Here's what I've managed to remember from the movie:
I remember the camera zoomed into the fire as she was screaming and there was knocking heard at the door. I also remember one of the scenes after the fire was of the girl (I think her name was Jamie) walking down a hospital hallway covered from head to toe in bandages like a mummy, walking with a walker. Another scene I remember is of her and her mom in either her bedroom or a hospital room and she was asking her mom if she could take her bandages off because they were hot and itchy. Other friends of mine remember it as well, but none of us can find it. Hope someone here can help!
–Meg N.
As far as let downs go, GODZILLA VS KONG isn't so bad. It delivers some true eye-popping spectacle or maybe I'm just the easiest mark when it comes to buildings being destroyed and flashy neon colors. I wonder if it's possible I might have enjoyed it more if I was able to see it in my beloved (but now dead-by-Covid) local movie theater? Maybe. On the other hand, I didn't mind watching in sweats with a fridge full of beer either. Ah, why blame the victim (me) though? The sad truth is that this is a movie that does a great job with monsters destroying things and a terrible job creating anything remotely human. I'm a big disaster movie fan so I'm not asking for much as far as characterization goes. I just need a few quick but juicy brush strokes. I'm not looking for more backstory, more info or more time spent with the characters; I just need them not to be dried out charmless husks. I'm curious if anyone can confirm if director Andrew Wingard appeared younger after filming because it truly appears that he sucked the life energy from his cast.
We all want to see the monsters fight its true. We all know going in that we're going to have to endure a bunch of scenes with people looking at maps and computers speaking gobley-goop. It's an agreement we all sign up for. Usually in a well done film the downtime works to create anticipation for the promised eye-candy and may even accentuate the eventual cathartic release random destruction brings. But GVK seems to take it a couple dozen painful steps further and the non-action scenes play like dead air and white noise. I'd say every other movie in this monster –verse series (GODZILLA, KONG: SKULL ISLAND, GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS) dealt with pretty much the same format but were still able to install a sense of wonder and a variety of good and bad human-types to get behind or root against. I'm not sure how nothing remotely like that happens here. To render Rebecca Hall uninteresting, Alexander Starsgard uncharismatic and Millie Bobbie Brown a dead weight is really some sort of unholy cinematic alchemy.
This is a flick that introduces something called the "hollow earth" a stupid concept that a Saturday morning cartoon would be embarrassed to try to sell and yet it's sadly appropriate for such an empty vessel. GODZILLA VS KONG is beautiful, mighty beautiful. There are some incredible visuals that brilliantly call back Bava's PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES but I'd almost rather check them out in a special effects reel. Again, I don't think I'm asking for much just to have the bare minimum of believable story and at least remotely relatable characters. Heck, I don't even think my pal Godzilla came across very well, somehow he even seemed like he was there to pick up a paycheck and split and he's (to the best of my knowledge) pure CGI; how does one suck the energy out of something that isn't even alive? Oh well, I loved the fight against the backdrop of neon buildings in Hong Kong, In fact, I'd say its worth the price of admission alone, I guess. Plus there's a pretty nifty surprise special guest star monster I was Mecha-delighted to see. Maybe next time add a puppy in peril though and give me something to wring my hands about.
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