Hey folks, Michael from Minnesota here again. First, a million thanks for your wonderful website, it's become a genuine addiction! Second, thanks for the speedy help in solving my first submission ("The Ghost in the Shed"); I was half convinced that I'd dreamed the whole thing. With that in mind, I'd like to make TWO more requests for help. Both of these were seen on television in the very late 80s or very early 90s, and for some reason I feel like both might have been on the USA Network (that was my dad's favorite station growing up, and I believe he was with me for both of these):
-A woman is being chased through her home by a knife-wielding man in a clown mask. I'm pretty sure it's a mask, and not makeup. The house is very nice (80s upper class), the cinematography is very dark, and there's some sort of relationship between the two (the clown is her husband or ex-lover). I remember he talks a lot (not a "silent slasher"), possibly taunting her. I don't think this was a movie, I feel like it might've been an episode of The Hitchhiker, Tales from the Darkside, Monsters, etc.
-This one's a lot more vague. An animated show about fish. I believe they live in a grotto/bay of some sort, and the "villain" of the piece is a big carp who acts like a mob boss. I'm 100% certain it's NOT Fish Police.
Thanks in advance for any help identifying these!

It's not a show, but could it possibly be the weird Canadian slasher The Clown Murders?
I appreciate the suggestion, Jenny, but I’ve since seen “The Clown Murders,†and that’s definitely not it. I’m 99% certain this was an episode of a horror/thriller TV series that aired on USA, right around the time the Rutger Hauer flick “Past Midnight†was on heavy rotation…
The clown movie sounds like it might be Out of the Dark a 1988 film with Karen Black.
DownUnderDude, I’m not sure, but I’m definitely gonna check it out! Karen Black AND Paul Bartel?! HELL YES!