Sometimes I hate writing because it reminds me so much of talking and talking reminds me so much of a very loud headache factory I wish to demolish. And so I'm off to walk a dog named Nelson. Hey, let's make a horror mix tape! Here are some songs that I must put on my horror mix tape. Please add as many songs as you can in the comment section so that I have something to listen to when I get back from walking the dog name Nelson. Thank You!

I'm very sad that nobody has uploaded "Best Times" from KILLER PARTY 1986…I'll have to do it myself!
I forgot this one….
I'd probably put the theme from Friday the 13th Part III on there somewhere.
And while it's not from any horror movie, Creature Feature's "Aim for the Head" at least references Night of the Living Dead!
Uh oh, now you've started it! I don't know any proper horror movie soundtracks to recommend, but I'll never say no to a chance to post this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30V-92zSkJA
(There's also a fancier, less kid-shooting version featuring Elvira!)
Good additions both!
I love that DISCO FRIDAY 3 is the extended version!! I could listen to that all day.
M Kitka,
!!!!! Thank you for introducing me to Leslie & Ly's Zombie Killer!!!! That is so Good!
That reminds me of this one which I forgot…
Oh, Here is an awesome contribution from Kevin Maher via FaceBook..
Fantomas has a wonderful album of horror movie themes. The best of which is "Spider Baby" and "The Omen."
Southern Culture on the Skids does a creepy cover of CCR's "Sinister Purpose" with horror host Zacherley on vocals.
And don't forget the theme to Suspiria!
Theme song from the early 80's slasher flick NEW YEAR'S EVIL –
Thanks Guys- You keep reminding me of new ones!
Who can ever forget that Suspiria score! Right on. And how about this cool music video for "Phenomena"
Great addition!
That reminds me that "Sweet Sixteen" had a song over its closing credits, "Melissa"
I love this one…
Ah! And shame on me forever for missing…this insanity from "Beyond Re-animator"…
When I was a kid I used to put my tape player up to the TV and record my favorite horror music.
So I actually did have a horror mix tape once upon a time.
The song I remember from it the most was the closing theme from Zombie…
I didn't forget the music from HELL NIGHT. I just could not find any videos.
So here is the whole movie instead.
Great song in the opening credits….
How about Metro by Vincent Black Shadow?
Nice! I didn't know that song. I see that's from FEAST. That's awesome Thanks!
Mountain Twin,
LOVE that choice! Let me put that video up….
That reminds me…
How could I forget…
Or these….
I know there was a music video video for the ANATOMY (2000) because it's on the DVD but I can't find it on Youtube
Also there is "How Do I deal" by Jennifer Love Hewitt but I would not subject you guys to that.
Yes I would.
Here you go!!!!
I recorded the closing credits of KILLER PARTY with my lil' candy crush playing device.
I think it sounds an awful lot like Bananarama's "Robert De Niro is Waiting" and so it is awesome.
Dead Hate the Living!
This is the movie
But I could only find the song with a Dead Alive video:
Unk, I lied! By far and away the best theme Fantomas does on their "The Director's Cut" album is their take on the main theme from 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.' It's a tiny little masterpiece that pays tribute to the most potent horror/thriller theme from the 1990s.
Also, the song that plays in the trippy roadhouse scene from 'TP:FWWM' is called 'The Pink Room' and I believe is credited to Angelo Badalamenti
And, don't forget, 'Stigmata Martyr' by Bauahus. It's the song Angela dances to by the fireplace in 'Night of The Demons."
Does horror-comedy count?
Oops – I meant to say "most potent horror/thriller FILM of the 1990s"
And talk about Mike Patton really making something out of nothing here
I'm glad you brought this up, Unk. In college I was a "horror host" radio DJ at the college station overnights. Did horror puns like The Cryptkeeper and Elvira and all that jazz.
And while we're speakin' of Dave Lynch here's this wonderful bit of business
Skip to 00:45 for the music to come in
Unk, I'm pretty sure I'm now insane from watching that Move Your Dead Bones video.
Also, how about the end credits music to The Deadly Spawn? It's weirdly soothing.
first of all, major congrats from a long time reader but first time poster. from the top of my head :
'cars and helicopters' from the 'hitcher' soundtrack by mark isham : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGMeb7F19Es
from herzog's 'nosferatu' by popol vuh : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZehtkbXMU8
the über-creepy sountrack to 'last house on dead end street' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiUZCBEIsTQ
'prom night' by paul zaza & carl zittrer (who also composed the 'black christmas' & 'children shouldn't play with dead things' ost's) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzMkRbQCAeo
and my fav soundtrack ever, 'texas chainsaw massacre' by wayne bell hooper himself – 'eaten alive' ost is also worth : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3odOfyPz8L8
Dead Hate The Living! Yay on that one. That was the first VHS tape I played when I set up my VCR in my new pad! Thanks!
Drew B.,
Love me some BAUHAUS- that scene from NOTD is amazing.
We can also add "Bela Lugosi's Dead" from the opening of THE HUNGER!
ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW certainly counts! Awesome addition!
LYNCH is an expert with music for sure!
Haha- yeah that :Move Your Dead Bones" video is from some other planet!
Good call on DEADLY SPAWN!
Thank you so much! Great choices. The music from Herzog's NOSFERATU is incredible! When I worked in a video store I'd play that movie over and over just to hear that fantastic score!!!
yeah. herzog's alliance with popol vuh brought some great results – fitzcarraldo, heart of glass, aguirre, etc
a few more I remembered meanwhile :
psychomania : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F00juZ0KX1s
most things goblin, but this in particular : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pins1y0XAa0
"pointless" remake, but the soundtrack is worth it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HvJfeSk1RU
totally cheesy prog acrobatics for 'the burning' by rick wakeman (yes) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R1xDYfzjcI
unfortunately, some/most great horror soundtracks never saw official release, or are long out of print. god bless death waltz for their remarkable work.
Cool picks! As a teen I had the Rick Wakeman Burning soundtrack on vinyl. Wish I had that again.
Oh and CAT PEOPLE- I gotta say I LOVE that movie. I can't hide it. I love the original and CURSE too. Can't get enough of those cat people…
Here's my old review…
Man, that PSYCHOMANIA track is truly awesome.
That reminds me of the mind blowing greatness that is the Vampiros Lesbos soundtrack….
There's always the theme to Dario Argento's 'Inferno.' The song is called 'Mater Tenebrarum' and it was a huge selling point that it was composed and performed by Emerson of Emerson, Lake and Palmer.
Of course there's the end credits rap that comes out of nowhere at the end of the 80s classic 'The Monster Squad.' Go Rudy, Go!
For my money, nothing beats the old-fashioned mournful creepiness of Rick Wilkins' score for The Changeling:
Oh, but you want songs! I'm going to cheat a little and just contribute a song I love from the '80s that you hear for half a minute in Let Me In (which actually has a pretty damn good soundtrack as well, even if the movie itself wasn't quite as good as the Swedish original):
And here's a bit from the 2010 soundtrack (love the brrrrrrrrapping horn section):
Also want to second Drew's selection of Keith Emerson's nutty contribution to Inferno, as well as Ondness's selection of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre soundtrack, which pretty much radically changed my life for the better, made me settle all my gambling debts, quit the drug trade, and embrace various spiritual practices. No, but it's amazing.
Oh, and geez, what about Ennio Morricone's music for the Exorcist II trailer? It's mentally ill, and it really makes me happy:
This is the post that wouldn't die! It's a topic we all feel strongly about. You may need to do an official Kindertrauma Mix Tape: Part II. And when you do – don't leave poor Timmy Capello behind!
I still believe!
Great additions!
There is nothing better in the world than that EXORCIST 2 trailer!
Yes, we must not let this post die!
Haha- how could I forget Timmy???
Here are 2 more…
I wonder if ONCE BITTEN counts?
And this amazing moment of television…
That reminds me, THE CRAFT…