UNK SEZ: It's that time of year again- time to watch Christmas horror movies! Check out our Avalanche of Christmas Horror movies way back HERE! But hey, that list is ten years old! Make sure you help us update it by adding the titles of your favorite Christmas horror movies of the last decade in the comments of this rewind post! Thanks, pals!

Well, we certainly have to add the excellent KRAMPUS (2015)
I also really enjoy BETTER WATCH OUT (2016)
which is FREE on good ol’ TubiTv…
How about 3615: Code Pere Noel?
I think probably not the recent Black Christmas remake.
Ah thanks! I still haven’t seen 3615 Code Pere Noel! I’ll check it out
That reminds me
DAY OF THE BEAST (1995) is awesome and Free on Tubi !!
I did try the recent Black Christmas again recently.
I do love the Imogen Poots- she’s great in it but…
the movie still leaves me cold.
Severin just announced Day of The Beast and Perdita Durango are getting fancy uncut upgrades on Blu.
Nice to see Billy's face again so soon. By that I mean I watched Silent Night, Deadly Night again a couple nights back, finally introducing it to my daughter who wanted to see it based on the outrage it caused in 1984. Yeah, all those protests managed to do was make us want to see it more. Naughty! Punish!
A few random thoughts.
I love, love, love Curse of the Cat People. RKO marketed the film as a spooky follow-up to the first film, but it's a very different, very magical film about a child's imagination. If you've seen the original Cat People, but not Curse, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
I have a soft spot for Silent Night, Deadly Night III, the last of the Billy/Ricky saga. The holiday barely figures into it, and the film goes into some weirdly interesting territory, with a blind psychic who looks like Jennifer Connolly in Phenomena, and Ricky as a Frankenstein's monster (played by none other than Bill Moseley).
A Christmas Tale (the one with the criminal dressed as Santa, trapped in a hole) is a great sleeper. Shudder offered it for a while, but I don't think it's there any longer (in the U.S., at least).
With few exceptions, I don't really believe in the "so bad, it's good" horror movie. For the most part, if a film is bad then it's just bad. I also do not put much belief behind the idea that every horror movie created in the '80's (especially the ones resurrected with beautiful blu-ray restorations) is a "lost classic". However, both of those stodgy notions were obliterated when I recently caught up with 1983's BLOOD BEAT. Trust me, I did not expect it. In fact, I was dreading watching this and sat on it for a long time. But, boy, what a revelation. It's just so UNIQUE. Yeah, the story doesn't make a lick of sense – or, at least, if it does to the filmmakers they don't choose to explain it. A mixed Wisconsin family are haunted by the murderous ghost of a samurai warrior for some reason – let's just leave it at that. Oh, I almost forgot! The family have inexplicable psychic abilities! Yeah, that's just enough bonkers story – we don't need to elaborate on it. Oh, how do I love BLOOD BEAT? Let me count the ways. A little bit of blood. A little bit of boobs. A lot of cool paintings. An appropriate amount of leg warmers. Watching tiny TVs with headphones. Shot in 1.33:1 like it's THE LIGHTHOUSE or something (actually, by accident apparently). Playing one-on-one Monopoly. A hilarious, surprise appearance of Carmina Burana (O Fortuna). Psychedelic editing. CB Radio. A little too much deer carcass for my liking. A real regional feel (even though it was made by a French director). Rednecks in robes on waterbeds. Powdered orange juice. Attack of the kitchen cabinet items. This film is jam packed. I wish I could remember it all. Oh, and yeah, it takes place at Christmas – although, to be honest, the holiday has little to do with the events that take place (nobody breaks into an acapella version of "Oh, Holy Night" or anything – although it FEELS like it could happen at any moment). The acting is (I thought) surprisingly grounded – the guy who plays Ted was my favorite (he has a scene where he's trying to talk to his mother about getting his truck inspected that I found so realistic that it should be shown in acting classes – and I'm not kidding, Ted was a GEM). Written by Fabrice-Ange Zaphiratos. Edited by Fabrice-Ange Zaphiratos. Music by Fabrice-Ange Zaphiratos (I liked the music a lot – also very unique). Produced by Fabrice-Ange Zaphiratos. Directed by Fabrice-Ange Zaphiratos. Of COURSE he never made another movie – BLOOD BEAT was his mic drop. He had said everything he needed to say. Boy, am I glad I listened. I *APPRECIATED* BLOOD BEAT. It's not coherent. But it's competent and unique and I can't wait to watch it again someday.
So, yeah, BLOOD BEAT. Christmas horror. NOT from the last 10 years – but you should consider adding it. 🙂