UNK SEZ: Today's funhouse celebrates the very first issue of MAD MONSTER MAGAZINE! You've never seen a magazine like this before folks, it's fun and creative from cover to cover and super high on love for all things Horror. You'll even find me lurking within its pages and that's not even why I love it so. Besides things to read, it offers puzzles and games and a flipbook and even a very familiar looking old house you can build! It's like the horror version of HIGHLIGHTS and you need it now!

Make sure you visit MAD MONSTER MAGAZINE online HERE to learn more about it and how to subscribe. You may want to bookmark the address too as many more great things are soon to be found there!
Also: Why not "like" MAD MONSTER on Facebook HERE so that those who have worked hard to create such a treasure know that you appreciate it! Thanks kiddies and good luck!

Can you identify the movies the ten monsters below reside in? The comments section is "off" to thwart copying just send your answers to Kindertrauma@gmail.com. THREE people will be selected based on smartness and fashion obliviousness to win a FREE collectible FIRST issue of this miraculous mag! We only ask that contestants live in the US so that we can ship them off to you and still buy cat food for our ravaging horde!

OK here are the answers!
1 War of the Gargantuas
2 Brainiac
3 It
4 Brain Damage
5 Godzilla VS Hedorah (The Smog Monster)
6 It conquered the World
7 7th Voyage of Sinbad
8 The Beast Within
9 Dagon
10 The Giant Claw
MIKE CAMPBELL is a winner because he got them ALL & I just copied his answers to post the above…
EEGAHINC is a winner! He got them all too and the quickest!
DYLAN DONNIE DUKE is a winner for being first to answer & getting all his responses deleted!
OK you three send your addresses to the same kindertrauma@gmail address and I'll send your mags out on Monday!
Thanks to everybody for playing and I hope everybody has the best weekend!!!!
Now that the comments are back on –
What drives me batty about these Funhouses is I often vaguely recognize the pictures (of the older flicks, not the newer ones) but can't for the life of me remember the movies. They have to be ones mom forced me to watch as a child and my brain must've shoved them into some tiny corner where they sit and scream to be let out.
Mike Campbell here. Close, very close. Number 6 is "The Monster that Challenged the World", not "It Conquered the World". An image search at Google will quickly confirm this. "It Conquered the World" is a different movie with an equally goofy looking monster.
!!! That's what I get for copying the answers and not reading each one! I think Eegah still got them all right though!
Oh well ya did real good Mike & deserve the prize! Plus extra honesty points!
#6 = The monster that challenged the world!
Here are Eegah's answers! All correct!
1. War Of The Gargantuas
2. The Brainiac!
3. It!
4. Brain Damage
5. Godzilla vs The Smog Monster
6. The Monster That Challenged The World
7. The 7th Voyage of Sinbad
8. The Beast Within (go go giant katydid man!)
9. Dagon
10. The Giant Claw
Looks like it's time for a trip to Golden Apple comics today!