INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY opens in theaters today so our funhouse is dedicated to horror royalty LIN SHAYE. How many of these ten films that featured SHAYE can you identify?

INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY opens in theaters today so our funhouse is dedicated to horror royalty LIN SHAYE. How many of these ten films that featured SHAYE can you identify?
1. Alone in the Dark
2. Critters
5. A Nightmare on Elm Street
10. 2001 Maniacs
3.) My Demon Lover (Oh, Scott "Nick Moore" Valentine! You stole Malory's heart!)
4.) The Hidden
7.) Slam Dance(???)
Bottom Bumper: There's Something about Mary
9. Dead End
Top Bumper – Insidious 3 ?
7. Amityville: A New Generation
8. New Nightmare
6. The Temp
Oh, was the top bumper actually a pic from the new Insidious movie?
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all has a great holiday season!!!
I'm starting to feel bad for INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY- I don't think anyone is going to be leaving the house here on the East coast this weekend.
Let's see what we've got so far….
Matt, you're right- the top bumper is from INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY, THE NEW MOVIE, AND CHAPTER 4….
DDD, spot on as usual- bottom bumper is THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY
1 ALONE IN THE DARK- nice work Taylor
2 CRITTERS= another for Taylor!
3 MY DEMON LOVER= impressive, DDD! Malory would be proud!
4 THE HIDDEN= hooray DDD!
5 A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET- direct hit Taylor
6 THE TEMP =nice! Matt Sunshine!
8 NEW NIGHTMARE- another for Matt S!
9 DEAD END= excellent kathryngrace!
10= 2001 MANIACS- yay Taylor!
Wow, excellent work gang- you got them all!
Hope you all stay warm this weekend! I'm going to try to go out and see INSIDIOUS 4 and SHAPE OF WATER as soon as the weather becomes less like THE THING.
and hopefully I'll get a best of 2017 list together soon as well!
Hope we all have an excellent 2018!
and thanks to Lin Shaye for being in so many cool movies…