Hey! Ran across your site and was hoping you could help me solve this mystery that's been haunting me for almost 40 years:
I saw this on TV on a mid-summer's night, probably in June, probably around 7-8 pm, probably 1988 but possibly as early as 1986. We were watching a movie or show on TV at home, possibly on HBO since I think we had it at the time, but also possibly another cable or broadcast channel. A neighborhood babysitter was watching me (age 14-17?) while my parents were out, so possibly a show geared toward the babysitter's age. She might have also brought over a VHS.
The show was about a family in the suburbs. I remember the plot was divided into two distinct parts (?) In the first part, the show was about a family and the dad was possessed by an evil spirit or something. I remember this one scene where the dad floats flat on his back out of bed down the hallway of the family's home, upstairs. Eventually/somehow the family works together to rid dad of being possessed and everything returns to normal. In the second part, dad is fine but I remember some evil dude from beyond the grave who was possessing the dad comes to life and starts wreaking havoc on the town, and the family tries to stop him. I remember this one scene where the evil dude busts out of a statue in the graveyard in the middle of town (?)
I've seen zero horror movies since (yep, scarred for life), so would be interested to know if this is easy to identify or another curiosity lost to history.
Thanks for the opportunity to contribute!

I do believe you are talking about the Bride of Boogedy, the sequel to Mr. Boogedy. It was a Disney special. They are both available on disney plus! Which is great, because I only had a crappy taped vhs copy.
You can find a screen shot of the dad floating down the hallway here:
Nice work JennyD13! I’ll alert Jason S.!
I loved Mr Boogedy but don’t think I’ve ever seen the sequel. That is si cool they are on Disney+ as I remember them being very hard to find for years.
I’ll be sure to watch them both this Halloween weekend . Great timing !
Unk, it's so worth a watch! It scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. It's like Freddy Krueger lite.
We just got an email from Jason:
"Thank you SO much! It does look like Bride of Boogedy. I never would have imagined. We do have Disney plus and so I’ll be checking it out this weekend, the timing is perfect.
A tremendous thanks from the bottom of my heart for solving this lifelong mystery. It would mean it was a memory from when I was 3 years old, which is pretty remarkable. Thanks so much!
Excellent work JennyD13!!!