Hey, KT
I've been trying to remember what this one was for ages, and it terrified me when I was young. From what I can remember, this may not have been a movie, but more likely an episode of some series.
The scene I remember has a black teenager tied down to an operating table and he is surrounded by a horde of tormentors, one of which has very subtle clown makeup and is about to cut open his chest with a scalpel. I think he had a fear of surgery or something, and so it was likely something to do with nightmares coming to life. I think the kid may have had a yellow and black jumpsuit on, but that's not so clear.
Perhaps your readers can help!

How old were you and what year did you view it?
K, sorry I couldn’t help out more with this one!
Sorry to all that it has been so quiet around here lately!
My computer is on the fritz big time BUT we should have things back to working order soon (I hope).
In the meantime, I’m happily trapped in a Friday The 13: The series binge-a-thon as you might be able to tell from the above bumpers.
Happy New Year to all of our dear readers!
And see you in 2016!
No clue on the trauma. But love the use of F13:TS pics for the bumpers!
Yesterday on Facebook, John D. LeMay shared a Happy New Year's post with a small update on how Chris Wiggins is doing. Later, Louise Robey shared the post. Happy New Year to us all!
I saw that too, Caffeinated Joe! I was happy for the update on Chris!
Kind of a shot in the dark here, but maybe "Tales from the Hood"?
It was an anthology horror movie from the mid-nineties. I haven't seen it since… the mid nineties, but IIRC one of the segments was about a gang member who gets volunteered to a creepy-surreal experimental rehab facility after going to prison (sort of a Clockwork Orange meets Jacobs Ladder scenario).
I don't remember if there's a scene like the one described, but it would fit right in with the scenes I do remember.