Hey, I'm looking for titles from a few movies. I'll try to be as specific as possible. Hope you can help me.
Movie number 1
Horror film from the ‘80s, I think. It's about a troubled boy who has to take his medication on time to make sure he doesn't go crazy. His parents go away for the weekend and his mum insists on taking his medicine. He invites some friends from school to have a party. His ex is also at the party and tries to persuade him to give it another go but he has a new girlfriend now. She is also at the party but she's kinda new so nobody really knows her. One couple goes in the Jacuzzi and the guy goes back inside to get champagne or wine and the girl gets killed in the Jacuzzi. Apparently this 'new girlfriend' is a lot more crazy than the guy poppin' pills. In the end she seems to be the killer.

Movie number 2
Horror/thriller from the ‘90s, I think. A group of people bury some guy with his face down cause he should go straight to hell. The wife of this buried guy is out for revenge and kidnaps the child of one of the relatives of the people that killed him ‘cause apparently she is the last one to still be alive. The child is kept in some kind of dungeon underneath the house. The mother does a neighborhood questioning and ends up with the wife of the buried guy but of course they don't know right away that she has the child locked up.

Movie number 3
Horror film from early 2000s, I think. Some people end up at some kind of farm in the middle of the night, the guy gets out ‘cause he sees someone running around, and pretty much right away he gets shot by a shotgun (it reminded me of the movie PLAGUE TOWN a little bit but that's not the one). Two of the other guys run off since their friend got shot, the killer hunts them down and finally they come across some cabin and hide there. Pretty quickly they find out that the cabin belongs to the killer. I believe it was raining a lot and the killer wore a raincoat.
I hope you can help me in my search, thanks in advance.
Koddie K.

Number 1 I'm sure is Night Screams-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Screams
I think the third one is Blood Creek (2009), with Fassbender as the raincoat bad buy
Bad guy, sorry hehe
I think you're right Magired!
There's actually a pretty good copy of Night Screams on Youtube (for now)…
Hello sir, thanks a lot for responding to my quest 😀 it is indeed night screams, i am very happy to be finding help here, thanks again!
Hey, blood creek is a good film, i have it but sadly it doesnt seem the be the one im looking for. Thanks for helping out none the less
Maybe #3 is The Cottage (2008)? Maybe not?
These bumpers are amazing! What are they from?
Oops, nevermind, I just did a Google image search! Technology is hard!
#3 could be The Cottage (2008). Andy Serkis leads a group of kidnappers whose hostage escapes and leads them to a farmhouse that belongs to a deranged killer. No raincoat, though.