Hi Kindertrauma,
I am a massive fan of your website and was wondering if you or your readers could help me out. I'm looking for a film they used to show on the Disney Channel (I know, SCARY) around Halloween in the mid to late 90s and early 00s and nobody I know remembers the title. It was about a TV show presented by a Captain Birdseye lookalike and his puppets who were actually real disturbing creatures (one looked a bit like a prostitute and may have been called Esmeralda?) that was going to be shut down. There was also an evil woman that looked a lot like V's Jane Badler who wanted to take over the show/TV studio and she was followed by a goth henchman who kept saying "executive producer" in an eastern european accent. I think in the end the show was saved and the baddies defeated thanks to the help of some kids who loved the show. My friends and I thought it was called 'Little Monsters' but IMDB told us otherwise.
Anyway, the puppets as I remember them were terrifying! If anybody can shed a light on what the film was I would be hugely grateful as it would save me many more fruitless searches and sleepless nights.

Mystery Monsters, a 1996 Full Moon picture, is what you're thinking of I think.
Wow- Thanks splatterTrash!
I've gotta see this one. Found this bit…
and there's the "Esmerelda" mentioned!
Typical Charles Band movie. He reissued this out on DVD under a new title a couple of months ago, "Goobers".
Tell me this doesn't sound exactly like the start of the Candle Cove thread…
T, this NTT made me think of Candle Cove too!
& I also believe this video may be Candle Cove…
I can now cross solving a Name That Trauma off my bucket list.
FYI "Goobers" is available for digital rental at amazon. Personally, I prefer Pet Shop.