I think we can all agree that if Cylons landed on Earth on Halloween night it would be particularly devastating, as folks would naturally assume that they were costumed revelers rather than robots committed to the final annihilation of the life form known as man. If this concept chills you to the bone fear not, the entertaining yet borderline atrocious two part episode of GALACTICA 1980 entitled "The Night the Cylons Landed" is here to assure you that there's nothing a clown, a microwave oven, a few verses of "The Goodship Lollipop" and Wolfman Jack can't fix. As the Cylons take Manhattan, keep your eyes peeled for PETER MARK RICHMAN as crabby Colonel Briggs who'd go on to portray crabby chaperone Charles McCulloch in FRIDAY THE 13th PART 8.

I prefer my Kent McCord sharing the bench seat of an AMC Matador with Martin Milner . . . or at least verbally sparring with Danny Glover and Gary Busey.