If you're going to create a work inspired by L. FRANK BAUM's THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ chances are you are going to end up with something kindertraumatic. The classic 1939 movie has its witch and flying monkeys. The 1985 sequel RETURN TO OZ has its Wheelers and decapitated heads and THE WIZ wields a truly alarming subway scene. Get a load of a masked puppeteer whose puppet offspring transform into giant slinky ghouls, trashcans that develop sharp teeth and tiled columns bent on crushing anyone hapless enough to walk by. It's whacked-out, weird, gaudy and nightmarish and so very OZ-some…

UNK SEZ: Subway scene, YOU are truly insane but lest we forget, there are many freaky images to withstand in THE WIZ. Here are some other slices of WTF? from the 1978 musical free of charge!

Those are some of the freakiest damn pics I have ever seen. I never wanted to watch this flick…until now! Thanks!
Oooh yeah! I've never seen The Wiz either… or maybe I started watching it and fell asleep… I fall asleep in lots of things… especially musicals.
Gonna have to get some coffee and check this out!
I have to admit that The WIZ is waaaaaay too long for me & is a bit of a chore but the visuals are cool in that wonked out seventies way & that subway scene is truly nuts.
Maybe I just love subway scenes! I'm thinking MANIAC, AMER. WEREWOLF, THE WARRIORS…
Synchronicity alert.I just learned today is Diana Ross' B-day. Strange eh?
Gaaah, still can't watch that scene…
Can I just say that I saw this movie in the theater as a kid and it FREAKED me the hell out!!! I remember having fever dreams that someone was going to 'steam press me.' Alla Nipsey Russell! Holy 70's drug induced set design, Batman!
This subway scene freaked me out too – and for years I didn't know what movie it was from! I was a lil' tyke at a cousin's house and it just happened to be on TV. One of these days I'll get around to seeing the whole flick.