Trauma to share:
Not sure how many people will remember the "Above the Influence" commercial with the dog, so here it is…
Right off the bat, your ear drums are assaulted with that creepy haunting music. Between the music and the strange animation, that commercial was the WORST. It was more effective at giving you the willies than making sure you don't try pot. I remember immediately switching the channel every time it aired just to avoid it. To this day I can't watch the full commercial. NOPE!
Trauma to Name:
The plot of the movie is basically: woman has baby, hires nanny, nanny wants baby for herself, woman finds out, nanny tries to kill woman. The woman had asthma, and a very distressing scene involved her having an asthma attack and she's trying desperately to reach her inhaler. Can't quite remember if it was an '80s or '90s movie, unfortunately. It was definitely a VHS. If you can name that trauma, that would be amazing. Then I can blacklist it and never watch it again!
Whitney M.
UNK SEZ: Thanks Whitney! A crazy nanny plus a wonky inhaler can only add up to one thing, you must be thinking about the classic 1992 flick THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE!

Oh God, I remember that damn commercial. So creepy and surreal, and it always seemed to come on when I was watching TV at 2 AM, when I would be in no shape to handle something so weird.
Ah, that's the name! Thank you so much!
-Whitney M