Greetings from Mexico City:
First of all I have to say, that your website is one of the best I've ever found on the web.
Keep up the good work, because it seems I´m getting addicted to small bits of forgotten horrors… hehe.
Well, here is my little contribution. It may not be one of the best horror films but back in the day I watched it and it gave me some paranoiac feeling about my schoolmates… haha.
This is an ‘80s Mexican movie that features a small evil girl that will do everything she likes until she gets what she desires.
Its name is VENENO PARA LAS HADAS (POISON FOR THE FAIRIES), even though it's not a typical horror film, I think it slides in the small cracks of our minds.
I found this small but complete synopsis about the film.
Now I will talk about my kindertrauma and just watching that disturbing scene looking for more info to send to you made me uneasy.
When I was a small child, there were T.V. spots from one of the Mexican Government Culture Ministries. They were common stuff during the ‘80s, most of them were about European or art movies. In one of these T.V. spots I got the biggest kindertrauma I can remember.
It was one cloudy afternoon before a thunderstorm (great cliché ) and I was playing with my toy soliders and stuff when I got the glimpse of a weird movie being advertised on T.V.
The image that still give me bumps and nausea is the one where a guy sharpens his razor at his balcony door and tests the razor on his thumb. He then opens the door, and idly fingers the razor while gazing at the moon, about to be engulfed by a thin cloud, from his balcony. There is a cut to a close-up of a younger woman, being held by this guy as she watches in the camera direction. Another cut occurs to the moon being overcome by the cloud as the man slits the girls´ eye with the razor.
I was horrified at what I just watched, and when another of those T.V. spots threatened to appear any time of the day I will switch the channel as fast as I could. At least I knew that those spots only lasted a couple of weeks, so I dared to watch the first seconds of the T.V. spot to see if it has already changed.
Later I made a little research and found out that this movie is one of the greatest surrealistic movies ever made, even SALVADOR DALÃ had something to do with it.
The movie is UN CHIEN ANDALU (AN ANDULUSIAN DOG) from LUIS BUÑUEL and here is the creepiest and scariest scene I´ve ever seen:
UNK SEZ: Dear Alex V., thanks for the kind words and your wonderful traumafession. Before we started this website, I thought I had seen just about every scary movie but thanks to readers like you I realize that there are many more to see and learn about. Tracking down VENENO PARA LAS HADAS is now on the top of my list of things to do. It sounds amazing!
As for UN CHIEN ANDALU, you are not alone in being effected by that little stunner. In fact it even inspired one of my favorite PIXIES tunes! "Got me a movie, ha ha ha hoa, slicing up eyeballs, ha ha ha hoa!"…
Alex V. That was awesome!  What year was that? It was very graphic. Creeped me out from start to finish!  Good post!
Hi. Well I think that movie was filmed in the 60´s. Buñuel is one of the best spanish filmmakers of all times. Most of his movies are quite graphic and kinda wierd.
Should check El Angel Exterminador too, even is not horror it will be a nice experience.
I saw Un Chien Andalu on local television when I was, like, five. It came on during movies or something and for years I had only these crazy nightmarish imagry memories of it. A few years ago, I went to a screening of Freaks and they played this beforehand. It never ceases to amaze me how clearly one can remember something from that far back when it leaves an impression. It's still fascinates me while making me recoil!
This was a great post! That horror movie sounds good!
For some reason I had to see this and Singing in the Rain like 3-4 times each back in film school.
Useless, useless film school.
Well if you got curious about the movies I got to links
Veneno para las hadas part1
and other great movie
Hasta el viento tiene miedo( 1967 )Â shame both are without subtitles
NOW I know where I've heard of Brunel and Dali…there was a film recently released about the tense, nearly yaoi-filled relationship between the two called "Little Ashes". I never got a chance to see it (As it was one of those arty foreign films that has a slim to nil chance playing in my neck of the woods), but I'm looking forward to it on DVD.
(Yes, that is the dude from "Twilight" as Salvador Dali. What can I say? He's versatile. 😀 )