Hello Kindertrauma!
Whilst balancing cutlery on my fingers the other day I was reminded of something that deeply disturbed me, although it's supposed to be weird so I'm not sure if it classes as a boney fidey trauma. And despite being 15 at the time, and already lapping up hideously gory films and whatnot, it still managed to freak me out. What is this devilry of which I speak? Why, only VIC REEVES' interpretation of the mangled-accent MASTERCHEF host LOYD GROSSMAN!
I'm not sure how popular/known REEVES AND MORTIMER are on that side of the pond, so a quick spiel about them: they rose to prominence in the mid-‘90s with a variety of surreal comedy shows, the most famous being THE SMELL OF REEVES AND MORTIMER, where they occasionally worked alongside other comedians like MATT LUCAS (LITTLE BRITAIN) and CHARLIE HIGSON (THE FAST SHOW). They were known for being, quite simply, very very strange. Here's a YouTube clip of the inexplicable MASTERCHEF sketch that gave me the willies (and still does, a little bit). May it haunt your collective dreams from now on!

Pig Costume, this was the one of the best costume ever.!
Yeeeaahh…we didn't need to see that much of Matt…although when he plays Andy, his pants are always falling down…
Great stuff. All hail Vic & Bob. Absolute classic sketch
I've seen that many times, and never thought of it as scary – although Morwenna Banks's character is pretty scary in herself! But I can understand why the floating big-headed Reeves would frighten a child.
Bob looks like something from Dr Seuss!