One of our favorite folks, good ol' The Mike of From Midnight, With Love is participating in the "It's a Horror to Know You!" challenge at his home base HERE! Click on over because he's got some excellent picks including 1960's THE CITY OF THE DEAD aka THE HORROR HOTEL which you can watch below in its entirety! If you've not checked it out before please do. It should provide a perfect Sunday afternoon view! Thanks The Mike!
I have to say I agree with all of those picks of yours MIke! I was really surprised by just how entertaining "Grave Encounters" turned out to be. I Had to watch it twice and maybe I'm a sucker but I'm looking forward to the sequel!
I love The Devil Rides Out! What a great movie. I enjoyed seeing Christopher Lee be a good guy. I also like yelling at the Rex character for making so many dumb moves along the way.
Thanks Unk! I know some were put off by Grave Encounters, but if you just let it roll over you it's soooo fun.
And Mickster, I concur – Rex is a helluva doofus!