In anticipation of Guillermo del Toro's THE SHAPE OF WATER, here are ten images from ten waterlogged horror flicks. How many can you identify?

In anticipation of Guillermo del Toro's THE SHAPE OF WATER, here are ten images from ten waterlogged horror flicks. How many can you identify?
Let me be the first to say that #10 is SATURDAY THE 14TH.
7.) Waterworld
6.) The Faculty
9.) Frankenfish
6. Deep Rising. One of my favourites!
5. Kindred
9. Frankenfush
Is 5 Dagon?
I meant 3, is 3 Dagon?
1) Tales From The Darkside? The Rae Dawn Chong monster?
2. Island of The Fishmen (a.k.a. Screamers)
4. Humanoids From The Deep
8. Peter Benchley's CREATURE
#1. looks almost like the creature from Dark Waters (1993)
1. or is it the remake of She Creature?
Crabbymoon, I think you are right on 8. It was driving me crazy, but I couldn't think what it was.
Oh, duh.
Water monsters.
Here we go with some confirmations and sorry I'm late!
1 SHE CREATURE= gold star crabby!
3 DAGON= you are darn gone correct kathryngrace!
4 HUMANOIDS OF THE DEEP= !!! nice work crabby!!!
5 KINDRED= good eye kathyrngrace!
6 DEEP RISING= love this one too kathryngrace!
8 CREATURE= a tough one crabby!
9 FRANKENFISH= caught by DDD!
10 SATURDAY THE 14th- spot on Dr. Nick!
Excellent! The only fish that got away was 7…
7= SEA BEAST (2009)
hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thanks to all who played!