Check out this super groovy TERROR HOUSE (aka TERROR AT RED WOLF INN) poster! There are ten differences between the one above (A) and the one below (B). How many can you spot?

Check out this super groovy TERROR HOUSE (aka TERROR AT RED WOLF INN) poster! There are ten differences between the one above (A) and the one below (B). How many can you spot?
Hi Everyone!
No drips from the "E" in "House"!
This is a great poster.
1. no drips on E of house
2. uppermost tip of uppermost tree branch is missing
3. dogs ear is different
4. red 1st floor framework is missing a horizontal board
5. rib missing from ribcage
6. 3rd skull missing from tree
7. point on rounded tower is longer
8. green ghoul face in round window is tilted
9. pararpet in right most tower is missing
10. gutter trim on roof changed color
Well, looks like bigwig cleaned house. I don't see anything else.
I agree – it is a great poster.
Bigwig! Excellent work!