Mill Creek has put out a new movie collection entitled NO TELL MOTEL, which offers eight horror films focusing on ill-advised overnights in dangerous locations. The first disc sports spiffy letterboxed titles like VACANCY (a decent enough thriller) IDENTITY (love that one) and ELI ROTH's HOSTEL and its first sequel (both semi-annoying and yet very interesting and disturbing). The second disc consists of several public

TERROR AT RED WOLF INN isn't represented as well as it should be but until a superior version is available it'll just have to do. Sadly this is a PG-rated version of the 1972 movie that is also known as TERROR HOUSE and THE FOLKS AT RED WOLF INN. This particular cut is ten minutes shorter than the one I watched on VHS back in the day but from what I've gathered (Googled), the missing scenes don't amount to too much. Ironically, this truncated, supposedly tamer arrangement contains a violent scene where a character beats a small shark against a rock and I'd much rather have that unsightly bit excised above anything else. They took out a

The movie introduces us to a

RED WOLF INN feels a lot like a seventies made for television affair and maybe that's why I dig it so. It's got an offbeat sense of humor too that never goes far enough over the top to bring you out of the paranoid predicament. It's also genuinely unnerving in spots, utilizing distorted camera angles to disquieting effect. There's something about simply sticking an idiosyncratic tomboy-type in a giant old mansion that's always going to hit me in my horror comfort zone. I could have used a little more background information regarding just about every character overall, but there's something to be said of the simplistic approach that plays out almost like a gingerbread house fable. Plus, it's got a message that's still valuable today: Young people, please never assume that the generations ahead of you have your best interest at heart. Spoiler alert: They don't. Amusing, delightfully odd and routinely creepy, TERROR AT RED WOLF INN is an appetizing seventies offering worth making room on your plate for. It's also a great reminder that the best way to avoid cannibalism is to become a vegetarian.

Yeah, the ratings system is nuts. Jack Nicholson had a quote back in the day, something along the lines of "Cut off a woman's breast with a sword, they give you a PG. Kiss it, and it's an R."
I've actually seen Terror at the Red Wolf Inn but I have no idea how. Must have been a renter on VHS back in the day.
Here it is on Youtube… wish I had the full version but I'll live…
I've wanted to see this ever since I fished the VHS out of the discount bin at my local Woolworth! WHY didn't I buy it then?!?!? Maybe I'll pick up this set. IT HAPPENED AT NIGHTMARE INN is great. It's also known as A CANDLE FOR THE DEVIL. I think you'll love it! Judy Geeson vs. sexually repressed fanatic murderous sisters who run a hotel!
Ben S,
IHANI sounds awesome! How have I missed it all these years? Can't wait to check it out now, thanks for the heads up!
"Terror at the Red Wolf Inn" gave me such an acute 70's overdose that I experienced heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, dry mouth, rectal bleeding, hives, dizziness and an erection that lasted more than 4 hours. I immediately called my physician and told him to watch it as well. Great flick.
I've chased down Japanese and Italian DVDs of Terror at Red Wolf Inn–no doubt bootlegs–and the quality was just awful. Maybe someday it'll get a decent Blu-Ray release. Mill Creek's "eight movies on two discs" treatment is unappetizing.
Legacy of Blood? (checks shelf) …Ah, right, the one that Cinematic Titanic riffed. The only memorable thing about it is the gag at the end, and that's no great shakes either.
The Devil's Nightmare DID get a sweet Blu-Ray release from Mondo Macabro; right now it's in that limbo between the release of the Limited Edition (which sold old pretty quickly) and a standard edition (due in about a month) minus some of the bells and whistles–collector's slipcover, etc.