Hi, I know the “Name That Trauma” is usually about movies or TV, but there’s a book about ghosts I read as a kid that I’ve been trying to find for years and I thought someone might recognize what book I’m talking about. It was a book about “real" ghosts. It was blue and oversized and had a picture of a ghostly woman riding a carriage on the cover. She may have been holding her decapitated head or I may just be imagining that. It was titled something generic like “Ghosts” or “Hauntings” which has made it even harder to find. The format was kind of similar to those DK Eyewitness books for kids or the Time Life books on the supernatural. It was written before the mid ‘90s, because that’s when I discovered it at the library. Fingers crossed someone recognizes this!

It's not "All About Ghosts" by Maynard (1977) is it? Cover is not right, but there is a blue ghost and white background. First thing that came to mind for me….
Traumafessions :: Reader Chuckles on "All About Ghosts" | kindertrauma
Time Life had a Ghosts entry in their Enchanted World Of… series
BTW, did anyone else have the dewey decimal numbers for the "paranormal" section of the library memorized when they were a kid? 133 baby! Any time that I went into a new library, I would zero-in on that section to see what they had on offer.
No, it’s none of those. I’ve actually read the Time Life one too though (love the Enchanted World books). This one was definitely more geared towards kids. I think it was part of a series too though.
Thank you guys for your help!
I want to say the series or publishing company logo had a dog on it, but, like the decapitated head, I could be remembering that wrong.
I found another one that *sort of* looks like what you're describing. It's non fiction.
That’s not it either, although that’s a pretty cool looking cover. The woman on the cover I’m thinking of looks more Elizabethan.
There’s no carriage but there’s a definite blue hue to the Mysteries of the Unknown: Hauntings volume
Then there’s this which is more of a traditional anthology of ghost stories and isn’t really at all what you’re describing. But it’s neat!
I really want to solve this mystery for Kathryn
Nope neither of those are it. Although I do own the Mysteries of the Unknown one myself and highly recommend it to ghost story fans.
Probably not it but it does have a carriage on the cover!
Nope, not that one either. I kinda want to read that one now though.