I am a huge horror fan and have been since I was a kid. I watched all the horror shows I could. One that stuck with me was one where there were people in a room that had a sticky floor and they were trying to get out of it. I want to say in the end it was revealed to be just a giant glue trap made for people. I have no idea what it was from and I did some searching and I know it is not from Tales from the Dark Side, Tales from the Crypt or even the Monsters series. I do know that it was in color and not back and white so we can eliminate the old Twilight Zone episodes. I want to say this was during the late '80s to the late '90s. If you horror fans can help me remember it I will be eternally grateful.

This sounds really familiar, but I can't place it. I hope that someone can. (Unfortunately, googling for it I discovered that human feet stuck in glue traps is a very specific fetish. Why hasn't John Waters included this in one of his films?)
I tried to google-image glue traps and was met with a horror show. I think I may have seen a cat in one for a split second before I bailed. Man, those things should be outlawed they are so inhumane.
It reminded me of that scene in AFTER HOURS when he flips through the burn book! I'm scarred for the day.
BTW- today's framing images are from LADY IN A CAGE, the grandaddy of home invasion flicks.
What a trailer: "The wino, the hustler, the muscler the weirdo the and wild-o!"
The dumb girl from Just The Ten Of Us met a similar fate in A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 (the best, most MTV and most 1980s ANOES).
Good cal D.B. ! that was the best death in NOES4.
I had a crush on the younger (of the older girls), the weird one who kind of looks like a bug (one of these things is not like the other).
And, BOY, did Heather Langenkamp grow up to become a real knockout in New Nightmare or what??
Could it be "The Cube"? Came out in 1997, and it was basically a movie about a trap for people, but I don't remember the sticky floors, specifically.
The very first thing I thought of when I read this was a short film from a Halloween Saturday Night Live called "Jogger Motel"…this freaked me out when I was a kid!