Hey Kindertrauma,
I remember seeing a trailer in the late 90s, perhaps 1999, or early 2000s, in a Pay-Per-View channel back in the day. It used to play constantly, almost every 5 minutes or so. The trailer showed shots of a house, a woman screaming, perhaps a shot of a knife. All I can remember is that it ended with a house darkening its lights and then the title. Somehow I thought it was the Psycho remake, but it's only because the word "psycho" was somehow engrained into my memory of this trailer. I know it's not much to go on, but it's something that's been bugging me, cause it's one of the only things in my childhood that scared me a bit.

I'm very curious about this one. I went through a bunch of titles from the time period and checked out a bunch of trailers but found nothing. Hope it rings some kind a of bell out there!
House on Haunted Hill came out in 1999
Well, that description's a tad generic, but I remember THIS TV advert stuck with me for decades after freaking me out at 3 AM (even though I've never seen the movie itself):
Problem is, it aired in 1977 on broadcast TV, so that's probably not it.
the psycho remake trailer?
Was that Rob Zombie in the mind of Norman Bates flashes?
Apocalypse, I noticed that too! Weird.
That trailer has a real "Natural Born Killers" vibe going on.
It might have been interesting if the movie was less shot for shot remake and more along the lines of that trailer.
Wayne's World 3: Psycho Hosebeast: The Movie?