For the most part sequels deserve their bad reputations, more often than not they're simply insincere, diluted versions of the superior films they've spawned from. They're not inherently bad though, and when done well and with respect to their predecessors, they can add a multitude of additional layers and meaning to their namesakes. More importantly, they can reveal how a character has evolved over a period of time in a way that one lone film never can. The truth is, there are a lot of worthwhile and sometimes even brilliant sequels out there, so many in fact, that you can't really blame the studios for rolling the dice. Imagine a world without
THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN and you'll see what I mean.

On June 3rd 1983, 22 years after the original, and in the height of the slasher boom, Universal studies released a sequel to possibly the highest regarded horror film of all time,
PSYCHO. This amounted to sacrilege to many (thank God the interwebs were not born yet), and although the film was a financial and, for the most part, critical success, there really wasn't a chance it could ever move beyond the shadow of the original. Well, it's now been
MORE than 22 years since
PSYCHO 2 was released, and I'm here to tell you it really deserves to be known as one of the best sequels of all time.

What's really unusual is that when we last left Norman Bates (
ANTHONY PERKINS) in the original
PSYCHO, we had discovered that he was a multiple killer and completely insane. (
SPOILER ALERT: If this is news to you, you are insane too). In the sequel he is the misunderstood hero who may or may not be "up to his old tricks again," and there's no question that the audience is meant to take his side either way. How often does this happen in horror movies? Norman goes from raving lunatic to final boy and never breaks a sweat. The script, by soon to be genre director
FRIGHT NIGHT), is a near perfect exercise in audience sympathy manipulation and has more twists than a crate of
Slinkies. Director
ROAD GAMES) who's surely under the most scrutiny is able to pay constant tribute to
HITCHOCK's famous mastery of suspense without ever going overboard into parody. Much of what he brings to the table is uniquely his own, the shots of the
ALBERT WHITLOCK assists are particularly remarkable. The supporting players (
VERA MILES) are more than up to snuff, but they definitely have their work cut out for them playing against
PERKINS who takes his signature role up to new, stunning, stuttering ("
c-c-cutlery") heights. The soundtrack by
JERRY GOLDSMITH is literally one of my all time favorites and truth be told, I'm listening to it at this very moment.
PSYCHO 2 is exactly what a sequel should aspire to be, a wonderful addition that takes nothing away from the original.

There probably wasn't any question since
UNIVERSAL was essentially trying to cash in on the slasher boom by waking up
NORMAN in the first place that a few bones would have to be thrown to the more bloodthirsty audience members. In my opinion, these scenes, one which involves a very well done butcher knife through a head, do exactly as they are required to do and in no way detract from the tight psychological tone already established. Purists may have wagged fingers at the time, but the original
PSYCHO pressed the same envelope in its day, whether actual knife penetration was shown or not. Which brings me to the scene I've been dying to mention…

Midway through the movie, two un-established teen characters break into the Bates house basement. It's sort of out of nowhere and that's why I love it. It's as if two characters from a
FRIDAY THE 13TH movie playing in the theater next door just crashed the screen
PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO style. They are there to:
1. Smoke pot
2. Fool around sexually and
3. Be killed. It's great to see the ‘60s era
Mrs. Bates take on these eighties teens and show them what's what old-school style. The scene begins and ends with an astounding aerial shot looking down from the top of the house. This little compartmentalized bon mot is such a great marriage of two separate horror era's defining imagery that it has always left me giddy. Some may view it as pandering to the times, but I think such bridges between decades should be commended rather than condemned. Interestingly,
MEG TILLY's role was originally offered to
JAMIE LEE CURTIS, eighties scream queen and daughter of original
PSYCHO victim
TILLY, whose throat may have still been sore from screaming her head off in
ONE DARK NIGHT, couldn't be better but I can't help imagining that
PSYCHO II would be even more of a perfect hybrid of horror eras with
CURTIS on the marquee. It certainly would have boosted the film's overall presence in the minds of die hard slasher fans. Whether you have never seen
PSYCHO II, or if it's just been a long time since you have, do yourself a favor and give it a spin. Sure it's a sequel, but this baby is strong enough to stand on it's own two feet.

haha, nice review u guys, made me fuckin laugh hard. i love the psycho series, especially part 2. my favs go in this order: 1,2,3,4,bates motel, remake
Good stuff, guys. Meant to comment back in the One Dark Night post. Working on a non-fiction book at the moment on 80's scream queens that will include Meg's thoughts about working on One Dark Night, Psycho II, Impulse, and Body Snatchers. I had interviewed Meg a few years back for an interview in Autograph Collector and we've met and remained friends since. I convinced her to discuss her horror film contributions for the book, which she did – albeit reluctantly. But she's a class act and gave me some great stuff. Of note regarding Psycho II, this was her least favorite filmmaking experience and Anthony Perkins was absolutely beastly towards her on the set. As part of her interview with AC, she signed a ton of photos I had of her, and she even inscribed a Psycho II headshot with the same sentiment. There's a post somewhere on Slasher Speak about when I met Meg for the first time with a recent pic of her.
I never knew if it was true but there has always been a story floating around that Perkins blasted Tilly for not being more familiar with his work in the original film. It's really ironic if they did not get along because their warm symbiotic relationship on screen is so believable. In any case, Meg easily holds her own and gives the kind of performance you're not used to seeing in the standard slasher flick. Anyway you may as well sign me up for a copy of your Scream Queen book right now. That sounds like a fascinating read!
One of my favorites! I can't think of summer horror movies without thinking of Psycho II. Seeing this in the summer of '83 was a big event for this Psycho fan and it lived up to my expectations and then some. And it's aged really well, too. Great movie!
wow, at the last minute I edited out a part of the review that spoke about how much this movie represents summer to me. Especially that scene mentioned when the girl runs away from the Bates house into what seems like a scorching hot summer day. I'm glad this movie evokes the same feelings in someone else. For some reason I can almost feel the contrast of the movie theater air conditioner to the stifling heat outside (kinda mirroring the interior and exterior shots in the movie) every time I watch this.
I remember – I musta been in 6th or 7th grade – well, anyway- it was the Last Day Of School and me and my freind Claudia had Big Plans to go see PSYCHO II in the nice, air-conditioned theater. We very snootily said goodbye to our classmates and with our noses up in the air headed for the theater. Alas- when we got there the dude running the ticketbox said "You guys aren't old enough to get in!" We stood there arguing with the guy – I guess we forgot we were wearing our Catholic School uniforms from the grammar school a block away. He never DID let us in! I cant remember what we actually DID end up seeing that day….so many years later all I remember was we went hellbent on seeing PSYCHO and we were DENYED!
I think I saw this twice in the movies. I was obsessed! Today, I barely have the time or care to watch much of anything. I clearly remember everyone in the audience being so quiet and attentive, and then the wild shrieking everytime something scary happened. It's a great memory! They really got a lot right with this sequel, and am so weary of defending it all these years. Even Siskel and Ebert were split on this film, and boy, I didn't want to hear anything negative about it back then. Just think about how it could have turned out, especially when you think about the worthless remake of the original more than a decade later. I still pretend that it doesn't exist. Grrrrr….
i absolutely love this film. every time i watch it i am taken right back to the same memory. sitting in the lounge/tv area of my parents' house in my old home town and hearing that BRILLIANT Jerry Goldsmith score running over the end credits. it was 2 a.m and the whole thing just put me into such a cool place, and it's THAT place that i go back to every time.