I was flipping through channels the other day and I came across the original AMITYVILLE HORROR, precisely the scene where a nauseated nun, having just fled 112 Ocean Avenue, pulls her car to the side of the road, opens the door and heartily vomits. Naturally I was trapped watching the rest of the film to its conclusion, even while that meant suffering through commercial breaks brazenly more nightmarish than the movie itself. Truth is, the 1979 cinematic depiction of the alleged haunting will always be slightly lackluster compared to my pungent memories of lying on a shag carpet and braving the book. I do adore the actors involved (KIDDER & BROLIN) but not how the astonishing events in the film unfold as if they were routine chores. Time is kind to movies from the seventies though, and now I find even the static scenes hold fragments of my youth I had forgotten. Am I imagining the strange depressive drabness that hangs over the film or am I mixing the movie up with my own recollections of the time period in which it was shot? Yikes, how familiar is that puke green wallpaper?

Later that night I decided I needed to see the 2005 remake again. Once upon a time, the gritty preview trailers had convinced me that it would right the wrongs of the first attempt but I was newly left somewhat entertained yet duly disappointed. Again I appreciated the company (RYAN REYNOLDS has some convincing bite, MELISSA GEORGE is heartbreaking and aw look it's lil' CHLOE GRACE MORETZ!) but in this take, things are so off the charts fantastical and excessive in places that it hangs toward spook show burlesque. There appears to be phantom hands flying out of every corner and who needs CGI flies? Oh, and don't get me started on turning Jodi the pig into a then-trendy ghost girl, it's blasphemy. Not that the super-slick version doesn't have its strong suites, the revamped house is impressively intimidating and the Indian head television test pattern routine is semi-genius. (Plus I'm bestowing it the award for "Best Use of a Roof in a Horror Film Since HALLOWEEN 4!") I've got a hunch there's a superior film hiding under the heaps of tension dissolving subterfuge. If I could just grab some scissors and lop off every annoying chic-edit and brown-nosing jump scare I'm sure I could find it.

One shot I wouldn't touch comes near the end when for a millisecond an unidentified figure is shown through the front door crossing the lawn. It's subtle and bewildering and it's a welcome respite from all the wanton showboating. I'd share a screenshot, but it's so vague that it's impossible to capture. I tried.

Who needs words though? All you have to do to fully understand the differences in approach of the two AMITYVILLE flicks is check out a side to side comparison of the way the hapless babysitter who gets locked in the closet is presented… nuff' said.

If you're keeping score that's two movies based on the same story and I'd say both are passable and neither are as good as they could be. (PART II: THE POSSESSION remains the best in the series and that's because it's not afraid to lose its mind.) So my question is, why do I remain so infatuated? Why do I keep returning to this same address when I know I'm never fully satisfied with what I find there? As an adult, I don't even buy that the place was truly haunted anymore so why don't I move on? So much of my original gullibility was chained to my need to believe that part of religions function was to dispose of evil but now that I essentially believe the opposite is true, most of the tale turns to dust. I can now distinguish the difference between windows and evil eyes so why does that house keep staring at me!!!

Then it hit me, much like the foolish HEIDI KLUM, I had been battling my damaged hair from the WRONG END! Religion needed to take a hike, what role did it play in the drama besides as a failed remedy? No seriously, religion, "GET OUT!" as usual, ya just muddy the waters! Also, all you ghosts? Disappear. If you're not going to actually do anything that can be recorded, vamoose! Now we're the heart of the house and I get it now. Do you know what's scarier than hearing bossy voices, getting welts on your hands, finding strange cubbyholes and suffering swarms of houseflies? I do! I know something scarier! How about having a trusted member of your family grab a shotgun and blow the brains out of you and the rest of your family while you sleep? The flies, the ghost swine, the Devil & God are idle bystanders; the horror of Amityville is the horror of domestic violence.

In DANSE MACABRE, STEPHEN KING cites "economic unease" as a timely factor responsible for the tales' popularity and while that's probably true, I'd blame at least some of its staying power on a demon similar to the one that steered his THE SHINING. Children relate to the fear that their parents might change faces and crush them and parents squirm at the thought that they could snap and clobber their offspring. No such events occur in either Amityville telling, but the threat that the family's paternal anchor could repeat the original slaughter (whether via possession or not – who cares when you're dead?) stalks every hall. (Thank you, supernatural forces. Your services here are no longer required.)

Remove the magical "evil" and THE AMITYVILLE HORROR is still the ultimate American nightmare. By rights, when one moves up in the world and achieves a higher standard of living, happiness and contentment are promised to follow. Only in the case of the Lutz family (whose dream becomes accessible thanks to another family's tragedy) some kind of cosmic error has occurred because having more brings them dysfunction and unhappiness rather than joy. Shoo away all the superstition (and the merited anxiety that the church might abandon you when things get hairy) and we have a story about a family that can't enjoy their good fortune because mom's second husband is a moody dickweed with a potentially lethal temper. (That may not have been the case in reality, but it comes across in both films. In fact, the real George Lutz attempted to sue the remake for depicting him among other things, hacking up the family dog.)

For all the wild distractions of the redo it may hit the crux of the problem with a sharper blade. An attempt is made to tag blame on a phantom catch-all villain but who needs invisible bad guys when you've got George? After being called an idiot by her husband for realizing that they are "losing each other" and refusing to be satiated by "everything they ever wanted," Kathy vocalizes the essential truth; Yep, it's an amazing property but it has no worth if the family itself disintegrates. What good is achieving a dream when you are too filled with hate to enjoy it? Suggesting that happiness can't be bought (or won at the expense of others) makes her a traitor in George's eyes.

Maybe THE AMITYVILLE HORROR remains relevant not because of its success as a ghost story, but because of its success as a cautionary fable about hanging your "high hopes" on a house rather than the people inside it. If after all is said and done, under the floorboards, what we're talking about is the realization that living under the threat of violence can turn even the dreamiest home into a doorway to hell, then sadly it's not based on "A" true story, but many. People can argue the authenticity ‘til the cows (and the invisible pigs) come home, ghosts or no ghosts, there's enough horror under this roof to go around.

Wow! Like you, the original "Amityville" was a film I kept coming back to even though I was never wholly won over by it.. and I think your analysis really nailed it. The threat of the violent or transformed parent hangs over the film. That very real fear is also at the heart of one of my favorite haunted house films from that era, Burnt Offerings.
BB, You're right! Burnt Offerings has a very disturbing "parent changing faces" scene in that pool! That always got to me because you can't really detect when he crosses over and the grandma is right there watching AND it happens in broad daylight. Yikes. In all these movies (Amityville, The Shining, Burnt Offerings) the parents are let off the hook because we're meant to understand that the house is to blame but to an outside observer unaware of the supernaturals involvement they're all just abusive parents.
Really fantastic post, sir! A lot to think about and a great many points that resonated with me about both versions. It is a great idea for horror, both versions just missed the mark in their own ways.
I have to admit that I don't hate the 2005 remake, but I prefer Amityville 2 to either the original or the remake.
Also, on the topic of supernaturally abusive parents, there are people out there who vehemently don't believe in the supernatural who prefer to think that movies like The Shining do simply depict a plain old abusive parent and a kid who is rationalizing what is happening with magical thinking. Which to me is a NOT FUN way to view supernatural horror.
Thanks T. Mike! I struggled with this one so I really appreciate that. Both movies do have their strong and weak points. Maybe its because of when I grew up but the Amityville story will always be in my bones. Whatever the flaws of both movies, I do think both casts do a great job. It's nearly impossible to fill the shoes of Kidder in my head but I think M.G. is awesome.
Wendsday's Child, I'm with you on A2 al the way! That movie will still scare me. The way it depicts the night of the murders is the most horrifying part of the entire series for sure.
I didn't know some folks interpreted The Shining that way- You're right, it doesn't sound like fun but I'm going to have to watch it again with that in mind anyway. That's a movie that I think can be viewed a zillion different ways- it seems to change every time I watch it. Have you heard of the doc ROOM 237? I'm really looking forward to that even though I'm sure I won't agree with all of it!
I also enjoy both movies, the original mostly for nostalgia and the remake as a late-night spookshow…Obviously neither can compare in scares to the book, which I first read in high school after having seen the original movie a few times. Unk, if you haven't read it you should read The Amityville Horror Conspiracy, which goes into great detail about the entire hoax.
I know that for me, when I was very little and had no notion of what the book/movie was actually about, the words "Amityville Horror" still had enormous power to frighten me…I think I was mostly aware of it from the cheapo paperback sequels that were always coming out and that I'd see on the racks at the supermarket with my mom. Of course most of that power has faded now that I'm a grown-up that has seen each of the movies with their various weaknesses, read a couple of the books and am totally aware that it was all a hoax (except of course for the DeFeo murders), but I doubt that it will never go away completely.
One thing that I'm sure helped: my first memory of being in a movie theater was seeing the trailer for Amityville II when I was 4 years old. I'm not even sure what movie I was seeing that would have shown that trailer (possibly E.T.?), but I'll always remember that camera flying down at the guy on his bed screaming and his gut sucking way into his body cavity. It was way too surreal to forget.
Has anybody seen what Ronnie DeFeo looks like now? Whew, that crazy cat could star in a horror movie all his own. Oh wait, he already did. 🙁
Your comment brings back many fond memories! I would always hang out with the horror paperbacks when I was taken to the grocery store! I never see books in the grocery store anymore. You're right, they even had them at the checkout line. I remember being scared of the novelization for THE HEARSE but the scariest one I remember was MICHELLE REMEMBERS. I think I still have the AMITYVILLE 2 paperback somewhere it has one of those cool windows that open up to an image inside- those were the coolest!!!
This is yet another good opportunity to point out one of my favorite places on the internet, TOO MUCH HORROR FICTION. So much cool stuff there!
Apocalypse, Ack! Defeo really works that "beards are scary" angle! I thought the way the original murders were depicted in the remake was pretty effective. I wish they did even more with that. maybe they could have filmed a companion piece like "Curse of Blair Witch" to go along with the movie. Maybe I just want a remake of A2!
If anyone is interested, here is my old review for that one…
The only good part of the Amityville remake is when RR asks his wife when she got so fucking stupid. Other than that, it was useless.
Speaking of transformed parents… have you seen that new PSA video from Finland about how drinking affects your kids? Truly disturbing. Link below
I saw that video on FB and I made the same connection! We'll have to do a spotlight on that PSA. It's really incredible!