Given the current recessionary state of the economy, not a day goes by in which your dear old Aunt John doesn't receive a mountain of e-mails, and countless faxes, from harried homemakers looking for advice on how to stretch their food budget dollars. As the primary home economist at Kindertrauma Castle, your Aunt John is a strong proponent of coupon clipping and home cooking.
In response to those who never really wrote me, I would like to open my coveted recipe file and share with you a relatively cheap and easy to make Halloween dish I picked up while attending boarding school in upstate New York:

For our more visually oriented readers, please follow the instructions below:
Id totally play "Sausage Surprise" with Mrs. G. Sehr Heiss!
Aunt John, will you marry me?
@amanda: Awww… shucks! Ain't you sweet like sugar. If you listen really closely, you can hear Unkle's heart breaking…. We're a packaged set, but if you are willing to convert to Mormonism (they're the polygamists, right?) we are game [Not that we are Mormons, but for you… we could be…]. [Apologies to all Mormon readers if I got that wrong…]
I still dont understand your personal vandetta against Charlotte Raye.
That doesn tmean it's not funny, I just don't UNDERSTAND it.
By the way, has anyone seen the movie version of HAIR?  You gots to! It has Charlotte Raye as a proper dowager at a fancy-shmancy party who cuts loose and dirty dances with the hippies! For that scene alone it's wroth the rental fee! (And Treat Williams is in it. Yum Yum! Mama likey!)
@mama: There's nothing between me & CHARLOTTE RAYE except for love.
I am SO willing to convert to Mormonism, if that's what it takes! I can move into the castle this weekend!
I remember being about 4 or 5 at the time and my sisters didn't want me to watch this episode because I'd have nightmares. Of course, looking at it now, it's not really nightmare fodder.
BTW, Loren Lester later voiced Dick Grayson/Robin on "Batman: The Animated Series".