Off the bat, I want to say I love your website…I was lucky enough to figure out one traumatic scene from childhood on my own (the head coming out of the table in THE MANITOU), but this one is still nagging at me…
It was the end of a movie I saw when I was about 9 years old…a woman was being chased by a vampire (or Satanist?), who cornered her in an empty in-ground pool. As I remember it, she was saved by the sheriff, but then he locked her in a cell; as it turned out, the whole town were vampires (or something like that), and the movie ended with a freeze frame of her screaming.
It's hard to say why I found it so scary at the time, I think part of it was the low budget film quality-it looked like it was shot on super-8, which gave it a cinéma vérité kind of feeling-but I'd really like to see it again now. Any ideas?
UPDATE: NAME THAT TRAUMA SOLVED! Thanks to sumo1964 for pointing us towards WARLOCK MOON (a.k.a. BLOODY SPA)!
It probably isn't right, but something about your description is making me think of Thirst from 1979.
I was thinking Children Of The Night ???
I just love the "vampires (or Satanists?)" part.
I haven't seen it in a while, but maybe you are looking for Warlock Moon (aka Bloody Spa) from 1975. Â I haven't seen the other suggestions that people have given, but I hope this helps.
Sumo is right, it is Warlock Moon and they were cannibalistic Satanists.
Aunt John, I love your title for this, cuz when I first read it, I thought of bloodsuckers betting on football scores.
@senski: Actually, I was trying to snag a piece of the coveted "Rob Pattinson in a Speedo" search traffic. I don't think it worked…
I'm sorry, Aunt John, your last post ended with the words "…in a Speedo." Was there anything after that?