UNK SEZ: Check out Seth's Video Confession HERE and his Top Ten Horror Movies Moments HERE, both of which feature the Grady Twins from THE SHINING! Seth just started a new blog called DREAD AHEAD and was kind enough to give a shout out to ye olde Kindertrauma. Right back at ya Seth and welcome to the interwebs!
DINNER WITH MAX JENKE tells us about a new killer kid movie called THE ORPHAN check that out HERE.
HORROR YEARBOOK gives us the scoop about a theatrical remake of STEPHEN KING's IT right HERE and informs us about the DVD release of British shocker THE CHILDREN right about HERE.
The out of sight Amanda By Night of MADE FOR T.V. MAYHEM talks WES CRAVEN's CHILLER over HERE.
The incredible Tenebrous Kate of LOVE TRAIN FOR THE TENEBROUS EMPIRE asks the ever important question "What Can Satan Do For Me?" HERE! By the by, your Unk was all honored recently when he got to actually meet and slam back a few beers with the Kate in so-called real life! Just so ya know, she big time rules!
Hero ARBOGAST does a beautiful job of letting the right one in HERE.
Ah, the Grady Twins! They show up to cap off four years of trauma! It began with the "Skull Lady" from the "Suspiria" TV add, then we get Fats from "Magic" and then we get "Manbearpig" from "Prophecy"! What a nice big sister you had! Now when I got that "Suspiria shock" I wound up leaving the room when that came on. To make it worse, my YOUNGER sister would run into the room to watch it! I was 10, she was 7. Now DECADES later I finally got to see the trailer on the DVD. Well, "she" turns around and it's a FAKE SKELETON WITH A PINK RIBBED TURTLENECK!!!!! I thinking to myself "You are a tool!". However, now that I can watch that, the scar still remains! I watched it on YouTube and I paused it when "she" was turned around and I accidently hit the large screen feature. VERY UN-NERVING!!!!!
Dread Ahead is awesome! Thanks for the head's up! That's a great top ten list and made by a real fan, you can just tell… Burnt Offerings?!? Perfect!
And THANK YOU again for the linkage. Much appreciated!!!
Thank you for the shout-out Unk!  Sorry I'm late to the party–let's call it Fashionably Late, shall we?  I'm blushing at your compliment–someday I hope to rule as much as YOU do  😀