My name is Timo (a.k.a. ghostofthemovie) and here is my traumafession.
My worst kindertrauma was definitely the movie adaption of STEPHEN KING's novel IT by TOMMY LEE WALLACE. I'm still shaking when I remember watching it in my childhood.
Every time I saw TIM CURRY's clown masked face in a close up my heart started to pound and cold sweat was running down my neck. For a long time I was afraid to go outside when it was dark, because I thought the clown would come and hunt me down.
This kind of fear inspired by a movie was exciting in a completely new way. So I started to watch more horror stuff and I'm still a fan of this genre. But nowadays, these films are more like funny amusement than a deeply terrifying experience.
Great website by the way!
Greetings from Germany,
Tim Currys Pennywise is one that pops up a lot! I remember my husband channel-surfing and landing on the scene where Pennywise is in a drain and my daughter freaking out and running out of the room.
My only complaint is this movie came out when I was already an adult, so it didnt scare me that much. I undertsand anyone whose ever seen it as a kid has been terrified of that damn clown ever since!
I have to admit that I tend to root for Pennywise although- like many of you here- I have always found clowns creepy. However, being a Tim Curry fan I can't help myself. There just isn't enough of his work out there. I love the Tales From The Crypt Episode where he plays all of the members of the creepy family. Such a great and fun actor!                                    Beware the grease-painted ones everybody…
Clowns are inherently evil, unless they are drunken assholes…
Tim Curry always rises abouve everything hes in and makes movies that could have been bad good. I watched LEGEND a few weeks back and while I hated the movie I was totally mesmerized by him as that devil thing. And who can forget THE WORST WITCH? You'd be hard pressed to remember details about that flick other than that Tim flys in and then sings and dances and plays a tambourine!
Hmmmm…I have NEVER seen that TALES FROM THE CRYPT ep! A friend gave me all the eps for my birthday and I havent hit that one yet. I'll have to look for it.
mamamiasweetpeaches- the TFTC episode is from October 2, 1993 (Season 5, Episode 1). Even though I have seen it many times I still love it. Hope you enjoy it!