UNK SEZ: So I was going to treat you all to a special NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET funhouse on account of it's national Freddy Day but then PART 4: THE DREAM SOMETHING OR OTHER got stuck in my laptop. It's still in there! I even looked to the sky shaking my fists and yelled, "Not this time Krueger!" but it still would not budge. So eventually I gave up trying and went with some poster images (Damn you Krueger!) They'll have to do as I was not about to leave our faithful Funhouse players hanging. So in other words, forgive the lame unoriginality and blame Freddy if it puts you to sleep…

NOTE: I was able to salvage the image below from the original movie. Can I just tell you that I am obsessed with the "kitty takes a trip to San Fran" poster hanging in Roger Rabbit's dream laboratory? I've tried to Google it and find another representation of it but to no avail. I want that poster! Was it especially made for the movie? If so, why? Maybe it's just supposed to make you feel crazy, in that case, well done WES CRAVEN! O.K. good luck kids! If you don't hear from me for a while it's because I'm at the movie movie theater watching you know what. As for now, "School's out Krueger!"

NOTE 2: Wait up there! Aunt John tells me today is not only Freddy Day but beloved Kindertrauma lucky charm MICKSTER's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICKSTER!!! We heart you always and wish you a nightmare free year!